Building a Better Workforce with Pre-Employment Screening

Building a Better Workforce with Pre-Employment Screening

The Mississippi workforce has undergone a major shift in work ethics, values, expectations, and tolerance. The employee of just 5 years ago is very different than the employee of today. This new breed, the Emergent Employee, crosses all ages, races, genders, and...
Employment Screening: Return-On-Investment

Employment Screening: Return-On-Investment

If you’ve ever lost a great employee, you know it hurts in more ways than you can imagine. Ninety percent of employers use background screening as a final step in the recruiting process, which demonstrates the perceived importance of this best practice. Employers of...
Employers Have An Invisible Burden When Hiring Employees

Employers Have An Invisible Burden When Hiring Employees

Employees are often a business’s most valuable investment. The cost of hiring a new employee can be significant, in more way than an employer could ever imagine. Many of these costs get buried and overlooked in day-to-day operations. There is one fact in business that...
Never Assume Your Potential Employee’s Credibility

Never Assume Your Potential Employee’s Credibility

Drug abuse in the workplace is a growing problem for employers throughout the U.S. This problem can cost your company a significant amount of money, along with decreased productivity and lowered morale overall. When you’re in the process of hiring new employees, it’s...