Employee Monitoring in Brandon MS
LaborClear Monitoring makes sure clear records stay that way
Statistically speaking, if a business has 40 or more employees, at least two of them has most likely committed a crime since they were hired. The non-profit National Employment Law Project recently analyzed the Survey of State Criminal History Information Systems to estimate that approximately 70-million Americans – or roughly 1 in 3 adults – has some type of criminal conviction. For businesses that have people in sensitive positions or working with vulnerable populations like children and senior citizens, maintaining a squeaky-clean workforce is critical.
That’s why Laborchex offers automated LaborClear Multi-jurisdictional Criminal Database and Medical Sanctions monitoring. Clients can manage lists of monitored individuals, see monitoring history, and subscribe to alerts if monitoring finds new records without ever leaving the Laborchex Advantage Platform.
Employee Monitoring Services Offered:

Medical Sanctions Monitoring

Multi-jurisdictional Criminal Database Employee Monitoring

to verify the previous employment history of your applicants.