About Us
Every business needs a focused and legally compliant background screening program designed to identify the best potential employees while also minimizing the many damaging risks that are inherent in today’s demanding employment process. By combining personalized customer service and highest levels of technological sophistication and security, we help our clients meet their screening needs quickly and accurately at a price they can afford. Through our website, clients can even chat with live agents at LaborChex to have all their questions answered.

Ben Holmes
Chief Operating Officer
Benjamin F. Holmes, “Ben” is the Chief Operating Officer for Laborchex Inc. Ben has overall responsibility for managing both the revenue and cost elements of income for Laborchex Inc He oversees all of the company’s marketing and sales functions as well as the day-to-day operations of Laborchex Inc. Ben is responsible for planning, delegating, coordinating, staffing, organizing, and decision making to attain desirable profit-making results.
Upon graduation from Belhaven University with honors with a Business Administration degree he attended Law School at the University of Michigan.
More About Ben
Ben attends Pinelake Baptist Church and is recently engaged to Bonnie Spalding.

Frank Petrusnek
Chief Executive Officer
Frank Petrusnek, Jr., is the Chief Executive Officer of Laborchex Inc. and Laborchex Staffing. Mr. Petrusnek leads all aspects of Laborchex Companies its subsidiaries and affiliates. He ensures that the organization’s leadership maintains constant awareness of both the external and internal competitive landscape, opportunities for expansion, customer base, new markets, new industry developments.
A recognized expert on labor market and work trends, Mr. Petrusnek regularly speaks at conferences and summits across the South and provides commentary on jobs and employment trends for industry executives.
More About Frank
He has extensive experience in all aspects of the Business and Financial Industry including, but not limited to, banking, financial services, business, government, and commerce industries. Mr., Petrusnek has success at all levels encompassing 35+ years in corporate, community development activities, while serving in several executive positions in the banking and finance industry
For the past 10 years, he has devoted his time developing jobs in Florida, Texas, Alabama, and Mississippi, and expanding the services offered by Laborchex Inc.
He is involved in several community service organizations in Birmingham, attends St. Elias Church, and is married with two children.
Contact us
To learn more about the comprehensive LaborChex system and how we can create peace of mind for your business.