Background Checks in Brandon MS
What services does LaborChex offer?
Criminal Background Searches
Search criminal records databases from all 50 states, including digitized records from Department of Corrections, Administrative Office of the Courts and county court records.
Employment Screening Searches
Hire The Right Person, The First Time. Verify job titles and duration, salary history, performance evaluations, and the reason for leaving/termination.
Healthcare Screening Searches
Duty to Promote Patient and Employee Safety – Verify education credentials, professional licensure and past employment experience. OIG and Medical Sanctions screenings.
Additional Searches
We Provide the Type of Peace of Mind You Can Depend On – Includes County, Federal, and Bankruptcy Records, National Warrant Searches, and Multi-jurisdictional Criminal Monitoring
Verification Services
Uncover job titles and duration, salary history, performance evaluations, and the reason for leaving/termination. Includes Education, Employment, Credential and Professional Reference verification.
Ongoing Alerts
LaborClear Monitoring makes sure clear records stay that way. Verify a license status, accident involvement, license class held and history of traffic violations and suspensions and revocations.